Introduction to AutoCAD | Basic AutoCad Commands (Zoom, Pan etc) | AutoCAD Tutorials (Beginners) | Civil Engineering With Akhand Dutta | By Akhand Dutta

AutoCAD is a computer-aided design (CAD) software that is used by architects, engineers and construction professionals to create precise 2D and 3D drawings. Draft, annotate and design 2D geometry and 3D models with solids, surfaces and mesh objects.

Introduction to AutoCAD

AutoCAD is a computer-aided design (CAD) software that is used by architects, engineers and construction professionals to create precise 2D and 3D drawings. Draft, annotate and design 2D geometry and 3D models with solids, surfaces and mesh objects.

Part- 1:

This is the introductory video for AutoCAD, it includes very basic points like changing workspace, creating a new file and searching commands etc.

Part 2:

After watching this video, we will move towards the Setting of drawing units, Pan command and Zoom Command:

We need to know that for applying a command in AutoCAD we have various ways, it can be by giving done from specific commands in command panel and also by searching the feature in the different panels.

NOTE- Always press Enter or Esc for cancelling a command and before applying a new command.

  • Command for Drawing Units Setting - un+Enter
  • Command for Pan - p+Enter
  • Command for Zoom - z+Enter
  • Command for Zooming an object - z+Enter, o+Enter
  • Command for Zooming a particular window - z+Enter, w+Enter
Now watch this video and try by yourself too.

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*Self Typed
*Source- Internet, Books and Self-Analysis

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"Meet Mr. Akhand Dutta, the visionary Founder and Owner of CEWA (Civil Engineering With Akhand Dutta). Currently, The Placement Coordinator for Structural Engineering at the prestigious National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra. With a lif…

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