Transverse Strength Test of Stones (IS: 1121 (Part II)
- Test pieces should be blocks of the size of 200 mm * 50 mm * 5 mm.
- A suitable form of apparatus is required to perform the tensile strength test on stones.
- These test pieces are used to determine the transverse strength of the stone in each saturated(immersed in water at 20 to 30°C for 3 days) and dry condition(dried in an oven at 105±5°C for 24 hours and cooled in a desiccator to 20 to 30°C).
- Each specimen piece is supported upon two self-aligning bearers A and B(40 mm in diameter each) and the distance between centres of bearers being 150 mm.
- Bearer A is supported horizontally on two bearer screws C, which carry hardened steel balls D.
- The load is then applied centrally on the specimen piece at a uniform rate of 2 kN/min through a bearer E(40 m in diameter) placed midway between the supports upon the upper surface of the specimen S and parallel to the supports.
- The Transverse Strength(R) of the specimen is given by:-
Transverse Strength |
where R=Transverse Strength in N/mm2
W= Central breaking load in N
L=Length Of Span in mm
b= Average Width in mm of the test piece at the midsection
d=Average Depth in mm of the test piece at the midsection
W= Central breaking load in N
L=Length Of Span in mm
b= Average Width in mm of the test piece at the midsection
d=Average Depth in mm of the test piece at the midsection
- The average of three results(separately for saturated and dry condition) should be taken to determine the transverse strength of the stone.
- If any test piece is giving result as much as 15% below the average value, it should be examined for defects.
*Self Typed
*Source- Internet, Books, Self-Analysis