Free Mock Test | RRB JE CBT 1 | General English

Free Mock Test | RRB JE CBT 1 | General English

English Test - RRB JE CBT 1

RRB JE CBT 1 English Test

Time Left: 15:00

1. Choose the correct synonym for the word "Beautiful".

a) Ugly
b) Gorgeous
c) Ordinary
d) Dull

2. Identify the error in the sentence: "She don't like going to the park."

a) She
b) don't
c) like
d) park

3. Choose the correct antonym for the word "Scarcity".

a) Deficiency
b) Abundance
c) Shortage
d) Lack

4. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: "The children ________ playing in the park."

a) is
b) was
c) are
d) were

5. Choose the correctly punctuated sentence:

a) I went to the store but forgot my wallet.
b) I went to the store, but forgot my wallet.
c) I went to the store but, forgot my wallet.
d) I went to the store but forgot, my wallet.

6. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to "Cautious".

a) Careful
b) Reckless
c) Sensible
d) Considerate

7. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

a) Neither the teacher nor the students was absent.
b) Neither the teacher nor the students were absent.
c) Both the teacher nor the students was absent.
d) Both the teacher nor the students were absent.

8. Choose the correct preposition: "She is fond _______ playing the piano."

a) of
b) in
c) at
d) with

9. Choose the correct word for the sentence: "He _______ the newspaper every morning."

a) reads
b) reading
c) read
d) will read

10. Choose the correct word: "The manager was upset _______ the team's performance."

a) by
b) on
c) with
d) for

11. Identify the error: "She has go to the store."

a) She
b) has
c) go
d) store

12. What is the correct word to fill in the blank: "He is interested _______ photography."

a) in
b) on
c) at
d) of

13. Choose the correct answer: "She was _______ to help us."

a) eager
b) quiet
c) reluctant
d) excited

14. Which word is spelled incorrectly?

a) Recieve
b) Receive
c) Receipt
d) Receptive

15. Choose the correct option: "I am looking forward _______ meeting you."

a) to
b) for
c) with
d) by

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