Define the phenomenon of diffraction of light and differentiate Fresnel & Fraunhoffer diffraction of light.

Define the phenomenon of diffraction of light and differentiate Fresnel & Fraunhoffer diffraction of light.


In optics, Fraunhofer diffraction (named after Joseph von Fraunhofer), or far-field diffraction, is a form of wave diffraction that occurs when field waves are passed through an aperture or slit causing only the size of an observed aperture image to change due to the far-field location of observation and the increasingly planar nature of outgoing diffracted waves passing through the aperture.

It is observed at distances beyond the near-field distance of Fresnel diffraction, which affects both the size and shape of the observed aperture image, and occurs only when the Fresnel number F \ll 1, wherein the parallel rays approximation can be applied.

On the other hand, Fresnel diffraction or near-field diffraction is a process of diffraction that occurs when a wave passes through an aperture and diffracts in the near field, causing any diffraction pattern observed to differ in size and shape, depending on the distance between the aperture and the projection. It occurs due to the short distance in which the diffracted waves propagate, which results in a Fresnel number greater than 1 (F > 1). When the distance is increased, outgoing diffracted waves become planar and Fraunhofer diffraction occurs.

NPTEL IIT Guwahati

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