What are the differences between 4 stroke petrol and 4 stroke diesel engines?

What are the differences between 4 stroke petrol and 4 stroke diesel engines?
What are the differences between 4 stroke petrol and 4 stroke diesel engines?

Difference Between 4 Stroke Petrol Engine and 4 Stroke Diesel Engine
4 Stroke Diesel Engine4 Stroke Petrol Engine
These engines work on the Diesel cycleWorks on the Otto cycle
The fuel is mixed with air inside the cylinderAir and the fuel are mixed in a carburettor
Ignition is achieved with the help of the hot, compressed air.Fuel is ignited with an electric spark
High compression ratioRelatively low compression ratio
High power productionRelatively low amounts of power are produced in a Petrol engine
These engines work with fuels that have low volatilitiesHighly volatile fuels are used in these internal combustion engines
Generally used in heavy vehicles such as trucks and busesUsed in light vehicles such as motorcycles and cars.
Relatively low fuel consumptionHigh fuel consumption.
High initial and maintenance costsComparatively low initial cost and maintenance cost
The temperature of the compressed air auto ignites the fuel The charge is ignited with the help of spark plug
Low speed engineHigh speed engine 

*SOURCE: Internet and Books

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"Meet Mr. Akhand Dutta, the visionary Founder and Owner of CEWA (Civil Engineering With Akhand Dutta). Currently, The Placement Coordinator for Structural Engineering at the prestigious National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra. With a lif…

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