Uses Of Stones | Stone As A Building Material | Stones | Construction Materials | By Ashutosh Nautiyal

Stones form one of the most important building materials which have a very great contribution to Civil Engineering. Stones are also regarded as the principal materials for the foundation of Civil Engineering works. Stones have been used in the construction of great monuments like Taj Mahal, Pyramids Of Egypt, The Great Wall Of China, etc. since the prehistoric age. Its use as a building material depends upon the nature of the work, type of the structural element in which it is to be used and its quality, availability and transportation cost.

Uses Of Stones

  • Stones form one of the most important building materials which have a very great contribution to Civil Engineering. 

  • Stones are also regarded as the principal materials for the foundation of Civil Engineering works. 

  • Stones have been used in the construction of great monuments like Taj Mahal, Pyramids Of Egypt, The Great Wall Of China, etc. since the prehistoric age.

  • Its use as a building material depends upon the nature of the work, type of the structural element in which it is to be used and its quality, availability and transportation cost.

Uses Of Stones | Stone As A Building Material | Stones | Construction Materials | By Ashutosh Nautiyal
Stone As A Building Material

So, the main uses of stone as a building material are as follows:-

  • In the construction of walls, dams, arches and abutments.

  • In stone masonry in places where it is naturally available.

  • As a roofing material in the form of slates.

  • As ballast for railway tracks.

  • As a coarse aggregate in cement concrete.

  • As a thin slab for paving.

  • In the construction of highways and runways, as a soling material.

  • As a veneer for decorative front and interior of buildings.

  • Limestone for the manufacture of cement, as a flux in blast furnace and in the construction of important buildings like temples, churches and mosques.

*Self Typed
*Source- Internet, Books and Self-Analysis

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About the Author

Mr. Ashutosh Nautiyal is a student who is pursuing his post-graduation (MBA in Infrastructure Development and Management) from SCMHRD, Pune. He has done his B.Tech in Civil Engineering from BTKIT, Dwarahat and his schooling from Omkarananda Saraswat…

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